Welcome to Afterimage

If you’re curious about the mind-body connection, inner transformation, belonging, or coming home to yourself, you’re in the right place.

Every weekend, I share a story from my week and an exercise or a prompt you can use to write or reflect.

What exactly is an Afterimage?

Have you accidentally looked into the sun or bright light and then looked away, and the image burned into your eyelids? That’s an afterimage.

I write about something I’ve seen, heard, or sensed that’s stayed with me the past week; the world seen through the lens of the body and what’s burned into my body. Afterimage is a way of reorienting my awareness from the head to the body and all the information and wisdom it holds.

Three facts about me

  • I believe in the body so much that I learn new languages first through body language and vocabulary second.

  • Culture and identity at work, in love, and in life: It’s my jam as much as it’s a source of most of my inner conflict.

  • We create our lives with the guidance of a vision, some resources, time, and execution: that’s design. I’m an ex-designer. Design informs how I work.

Three projects that have shaped me

  • Past: My first love is fashion. Clothing is an immediate and powerful tool of transformation. Branding is a blueprint for belonging. Miyake and Margiela are in my professional DNA.

  • Present: I’m committed to creating psychological safety to unleash creativity and collaboration at work.

  • Near future: I’m creating a coaching school to help people unlearn who they’ve become as a way to get home to themselves.

I’m turned on and tuned into

  • The body as an antenna and a repository of wisdom and information

  • Meditations in various forms: Metta, Vipassana, walking, and Tinder

  • The journey of coming home to who I am

Experimenting on Substack

Social media used to help me stay connected. That’s changed in recent years. I didn’t know why I was so bored with social media until it was explained to me:

In the social-networking era, the connections were essential, driving both content creation and consumption. But the social-media era seeks the thinnest, most soluble connections possible, just enough to allow the content to flow.

- The Age of Social Media Is Ending, by Ian Bogost in The Atlantic

Ah. This.

I’m curious: will I feel more connected on Substack than on other platforms? I’m keen to find out. Join me to see what happens.

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You know how you make a mental note of things? For me, it's my body making them. Join me on Afterimage, where you'll receive a breakdown of a recent mental note my body made, and a prompt for you, for the week ahead.


Listen with your whole body. Presence is the unique gift of being alive. This newsletter is an exploration of small ways to cultivate greater presence.